Wednesday, February 10, 2010

my awesome digital art.

In draw programs (e.g. inscape) you can seperate and move objects so you can always edit your artwork. Usually these artworks tend to be cartoon-like.
Whilst in paint programs (e.g. Paint) you edit each pixel and there is no objects. However these artworks can tend to look photorealistic.

btw all my artworks are copyright © LOL :)

I created this artwork on :)
It was fun to play around with the shapes and stamps to make picture and yeah this is what I came up with (Y) I would say the tools here are pretty limited compared to photoshop or inkscape but a pretty cool site :)

I created this artwork on It was fun playing with the bucket of paint tool because it just puts a splodge of paint where ever you click (as you can see ^) I would say that the tools here a pretty limited aswell but still a fun site to go on (Y)

I created this artwork on a program called Inkscape. Inkscape is an AWESOME program because it can turn any amateur drawing into a good one with its wide range of tools. Aswell as all the cool tools there's a wide range of colours and effects to choose from too. Thumbs up (Y) LOL.
I made a cow :)