Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Digital Media

Many forms of digital media surround us each day. These include:

-Digital audio --> like the songs from an mp3 or ipod
-Digital video --> e.g. from a dvd
-Digital pictures --> like from a digital photo frame
-Digital games --> e.g. Wii
-Digital data --> e.g. USB drives, internet
-Digital signal -->TV programs

Digital data is based on the binary numeral system. This uses a series of "0"s and "1"s to code all digital data.

A bit is single numeric value that programs a piece of digital information. ("1" or "0") A byte is a sequence of bits (usually 8 bits = 1 byte).

A sampling rate is the rate that samples of an analog signal are received to be converted into digital form. A sampling rate is typically expressed in samples per second.

Colour depth (also known as bit depth) can affect the clearness or the definition of an image. Colour depth describes the number of bits representing the colour of a single pixel in an image. As the number of bits increase so does the variations of colours thus making the image more clear.

Colour depth affects both still and video digital media. This is because both video and still deigital media possess shades of colours. Sampling rate only affects video but not still digital media. This is because video media can send signals whilst still media can't. ---> not sure about this answer

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