Tuesday, September 14, 2010

multimedia assignment 3.

GUESS WHAT ? We got an extenision !!! :D :D :D just what I needed !
Our due date was pushed anoher 4 days (i think) which was totally amazing :) This gave me time to relax a little and take more time to put effort into my websites. At the moment, my internet at home is still slow ==" so for the past few days i've been going to the library at lunch to do it, and spending some all-nighters at my cousin's house to use their computer.

Here are a few more problems we/ I had to face:
- it wouldn't work when i tried to add videos onto wix by using the embed code, but i after i asked miss, she told me to try finding the video straight from the wix (if that makes sense) and it worked ! ^^
- (since we're doing the whole make-seperate-websites-then-link-it-to-a-homepage sort of thing) we tried doing this (by linking the (cute) little house icon) and it worked but we realised when you click the link it opens in a new window (which would be bad since if you were looking at all the topics you would end up with like a "gazillion" windows)so we had to go back to each link and select the "open in same window" option ~problem solved ! :D

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